Properties in Costa Rica Blog

Costa Rica the 10th country most Positive in the World

December 31, 2012

Properties in Costa Rica

Costa Rica lists number 10th in The most positive country of the world, this is different from the Happiest People on earth, according to a survey this new parameters is different from the other one.

“Gallup measured positive emotions in 148 countries and areas in 2011 using five questions. These questions ask people whether they experienced a lot of enjoyment the day before the survey and whether they felt respected, well-rested, laughed and smiled a lot, and did or learned something interesting.

The average percentage of respondents worldwide who said “yes” to these five questions reflects a relatively upbeat world. Gallup found that 85% of adults worldwide felt treated with respect all day, 72% smiled and laughed a lot, 73% felt enjoyment a lot of the day, and 72% felt well-rested. The only emotion that less than half of people worldwide reported experiencing was getting to learn or do something interesting the previous day, at 43%. Despite many global challenges, people worldwide are experiencing many positive emotions.”

Higher income does not necessarily mean higher well being so with that said …One more reason to live in Costa Rica

Expecting change and hopes of better living and learning.. a possible opportunity for a change…

Enjoy the rest of the year and have a happy, happy and very positive New Year!!!!!!

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