Properties in Costa Rica Blog

Facing Climate Change in Costa Rica

Facing Climate Change in Costa Rica

March 8, 2018

Properties in Costa Rica

All evidence suggests that climate change is already affecting the whole planet, jeopardizing some of our most valued places. Coastal erosion, warmer temperatures, and stronger meteorological phenomena are some of the consequences that are no longer a threat but part of the reality that we have to face as a species.

When media and most of the people talk or mention about this issue, the first pictures that come to our mind are polar bears and melting glaciers. However, in our tropical context is possible to point many of the effects of this process. The good news is that some action is being taken.

An interesting approach is coming from the Ministry of the environment. The biological corridor program objective is to identify areas that are important to manage in a sustainable way, allowing species to move from one area to another looking to warranty their existence for the years to come. The land in this areas stays in private hands but the productive activities are consequent with conservation. This not only helps the wildlife but also becomes a strategy against global warming, as more CO2 is captured since more forest area is grown.

The coasts are also an important target. For example, in Uvita a NGO is looking to help local fishermen to use sustainable techniques to have a healthy ecosystem. Along with this effort, they are encouraged to complement their income with tourism services. The result is a better environment and the protection against global warming effects in an indirect way.

Our treasured beaches in the south Pacific are being protected already, and the great news is that similar programs are running in other beach paradises in Costa Rica.

We know that these efforts need to be accompanied by individual measures as some of the problems we are experiencing according to the UN are in direct relations to Livestock one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems, so please inform yourself and read more about this.

Nevertheless, we are happy to hear that efforts are taking place. More efficient energy use and the use of renewable sources is something that is not new to this nation.

It is difficult to adapt and embrace change, but this country is moving in the right path to conserve the most important places to face this at the same time that prepares wisely for the inevitable. Make compassion choices and stay in the safe side for your Real Estate investments!

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