Properties in Costa Rica Blog

The Ten Types of People that Move to Costa Rica

The Ten Types of People that Move to Costa Rica

October 20, 2016

Properties in Costa Rica

1. The Surfer– You’ll find the surfer walking down street with their sunkissed hair and barefeet. What better place to move than Costa Rica, with 1,290km over costa line where there are plenty of waves to be caught.

2. The System Shocker– Had a sudden realization that he or she lives to work. Probably heard from a coworker that costa rica is so tranquilo and the perfect place to reset. Quits their job, packs their bags and buys a beautiful house with an ocean view. Has a major melt down when they just can’t adjust to tico time.

3. The Yogi– Usually found sporting mala beads discussing the next full moon ceremony or how the energy is just out of control because obviously mars is in retrograde again. In the quiet little pueblos there are plenty of great spots for meditation, not to mention the various yoga retreats and workshops spread throughout the country.

4. The Adventure Seeker– Waterfalls, Volcanoes, Ziplining, Surfing, Crocodiles… What more could the adventure seeker ask for?

5. The Cool Parents– Thinking a bilingual school would give their kids a great advantage in life, they didn’t realize Costa Rica had so much more to offer. Their kids now spend hours playing with friends on the beach, admiring nature, instead of staring at tvs like zombies.

6. The Spanish Learner– Hola, tacos and dos cervezas porfavor was their solid spanish base, but after 6 months of sleeping with the dictionary you’d think they were fluent.

7. The Artist– Often found sitting at their desk with the sounds of crashing waves in the background, scribbling away for their latest novel, the artist is at home in this peaceful country. With all of the diversity it’s hard not to find inspiration all around.

8. The Retiree– Did you know foreign pensioners don’t pay taxes on this income? With this advantage it is easy to see why Costa Rica has a growing community of retirees. Less taxes equals more Imperial to drink.

9. The Lost One– Not knowing where to go or what to do the lost one end up in Costa Rica with no prior knowledge of the country. Immediately falling in love with the surrounds the first month is a dream, that is until they start running out of money and have to figure out what to do. They realize Costa Rica hasn’t suddenly found them and taught them what to do with their life. The next week they are back on the plane just as lost as they came here.

10. The One That Got Stuck– Maybe they came here on a two week vacation or to learn a new language, but somehow 5 years later they’re still here. This is a common story here, there is something magical about Costa Rica. It gives so many people a feeling of freedom and contentment that they can’t get enough.

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